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Why so much hate?

im tyler
Lurch CCP
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Why so much hate? Empty Why so much hate?

Post  zomgpunx!!11!!1 Sun Sep 06, 2009 2:44 am

I just recently found this forum from going on the VBHC Shows myspace. I came on here and ran through some older topics and posts. But why do people hate on The Worms. I've also seen it on myspace and in personal emails on myspace and such. I'm not a huge hardcore fan, but I greatly appreciate the scene. Some of my favorite bands are hardcore, but I don't roll deep, naw mean? Yeah they might not be the greatest at their instruments, but give them a break. They're drummer is only 13 and the guitarist is 15. Do you remember your first band? I sure do, and I'm sure everybody remembers the frustration of trying to learn an instrument, let alone play along with other people in the same situation. Shit, I remember when the Pushing On fellows were playing metalcore in The Eddos. It definitely wasn't the greatest music ever made, but it was the first step, and everybody has to take that first step. I'm really not calling anyone out, but I think it's quite hypocritical that a site who's goal is all about "unifying the hc scene" is putting down some of its youngest members. And this doesn't stop at the Worms. Anybody who plays punk or hardcore should be respected and appreciated by the scene, thats if you really want to be a scene. Or do you want to be a bunch of bullys? And how much different are they from you? The lyrical content is the same. Frustration and being an outcast are pretty universal themes when it comes to hardcore. Shouldn't it be more about heart than musical ability? And how much better is your hardcore band compared to them? Besides a few, most of the hardcore bands in the area aren't going to get much farther until they break up, so don't pretend that you're better when you aren't anymore popular than them. Once again, they're young. Making fun of them and heckling them will only make them resent hardcore. Is alienating and humiliating people that aren't part of your clique what hardcore is about? Or is it about building a scene and accepting people? If they got the hardcore spirit, I think that's what really matters.


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Why so much hate? Empty Re: Why so much hate?

Post  prisonofhope Sun Sep 06, 2009 3:36 am


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Why so much hate? Empty Re: Why so much hate?

Post  Rob Sun Sep 06, 2009 5:29 am

prisonofhope wrote:TL;DR

this is probably the best response for this but you typed out a long message so I will respect that and tell you why I make fun of that band. You do have a pretty valid point in general but the worms deserve to get it. hopefully you know them or they see this somehow and take it in.

I haven't been around for a long time and I don't act like I have been. But when I first started getting in to punk or whatever I started going to shows. Fuck, even if it was bouncing souls at the norva. If I was digging a band I went and saw them.

Thats the first problem, besides this school year, (i was at college) I went to almost every show I could and I never once saw any of these kids at a show. Thats one of the things that piss me off the most. If you play in a band and you want people to respect you or your band go to other bands shows and at least stay inside and listen when they play. I know they are young and probably cant get rides from wherever they are from so this one isn't a big deal. This is why some other bands from around here get joked on. If you want people to take you seriously come to shows that arn't yours and stay inside and watch bands.

When my first band started playing it was a fucking trainwreck. It didn't even start as a band it started as four friends from high school (15 and 16 year olds) sitting around playing minor threat and black flag covers.... I think we played a pennywise song also. Either way. We sat in the garage EVERYDAY for probably 6 months playing covers and finally doing our own shit. We all sucked at our instruments but we practiced. By the time we played our first show like 8 months later we could at least play our songs. By the time we were done we could play those songs in backwards. So when I paid money to go see some bands play at skate high and I saw "the worms" set I felt so fucking awkward. It sounded like they never even practiced before. I had to PAY to sit through that 20 minute set of awkward noise. If your going to do a band and play out at least be able to play. If they spent more time actually practicing and not taking pictures of them practicing for their myspace they would have been alot better. It was 20 minutes of "what the fuck is this shit." It seems like looking at their myspace they spend way more time making logos or taking pictures or commenting other people on the band myspace to actually care. It seems like they like the fact of being in a band more than they like being a band.

Next I hate it when people put private shit out their just for attention. If your gay cool good shit I don't care. If your straight good cool shit I don't care. But if your myspace says "yea Im gay and I like sucking dick" straight out I will make fun of you. You put it out their for attention so I will give it to you. If you are making out with your drummer before the set infront of everyone just so people can see it I will laugh at you. If you guys wanna hump each other go to the bathroom or some shit don't stand right were everyone is and make a scene. When that little kid yelled "booo" at them and he responded with "yea at least I get some" I will laugh at you. Take that shit and realize you probably need to work on some shit. After they played they left .....

If they come again and atleast play their shit and it doesn't sound like guttural noises I might stop making fun of them. But thats if I decide to see them. I can't possibly understand how they thought it was a good idea to come out and play when it sounded like that. I have been playing in bands for almost 5 years I think that its important kids try and start bands and put music out. But don't put that out until its mediocre. I have played some terrible shows with some terrible bands but nothing as bad as that skate high show.

Short version: If you are in a band practice so you don't suck, if you want to be accepted come to shows join the scene, and don't be wack as fuck.

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Why so much hate? Empty Re: Why so much hate?

Post  The Deej Sun Sep 06, 2009 11:53 am

They have a song called "Street Punk oi oi oi" and it's about making fun of street punks. Just saying. If they want to be about unity and shit, how about they stop making fun of other people.

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Why so much hate? Empty Re: Why so much hate?

Post  Margin Walker Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:37 pm

Well see, my right and privilege to hate on shitty little pseudo punks is mine to cherish as an American citizen. So to summarize:

prisonofhope wrote:TL;DR
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Why so much hate? Empty Re: Why so much hate?

Post  devan Sun Sep 06, 2009 2:44 pm

Yes dude, THE EDDOS, we might have covered everything from Slipknot to Hatebreed to Jimmy Buffet.......but im pretty damn sure we never played a show with a big band like D.R.I until we had somewhat mastered our instruments and a general rhythm. And I'm also quite positive that we didnt make out with each other, and give each other handjobs before each set. I don't give a fuck about the worms, we have younger kids in this scene that are doing bigger and better things. Being 15 is no excuse for sucking at life. Trust me not all young kids deserve a chance, sometimes you just have to nip them at the bud because you know they won't make it anyways.

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Why so much hate? Empty Re: Why so much hate?

Post  joee k Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:05 pm

I agree with Rob's point. Espicially the whole "being in a band", "being a band" thing. It seems to me they TRY to play music for all the wrong reasons. Some people need to just realize that they should quit because they arn't helping anything.

Another thing I've been playing in bands since I was 12 years old, and I turned 16 just a couple weeks ago. NO band I have ever played in has been THAT bad, no band I have ever seen has been that bad! I have only been going to shows for a few years, and hardcore shows for about a year and a half. I'm slowly learning and getting a better idea about how everything around here is, so I don't know too much, but I can say I can NEVER remember a time where I wanted to leave a show because of how bad a band sounded. If they get better, stop causing gay hype, and come to other bands show... I might respect them.
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Why so much hate? Empty Re: Why so much hate?

Post  prisonofhope Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:48 pm


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Why so much hate? Empty Re: Why so much hate?

Post  joee k Sun Sep 06, 2009 8:00 pm

Hahahahaha. We were the best dinosaur themed metalcore straight-edge band.
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Why so much hate? Empty Re: Why so much hate?

Post  prisonofhope Sun Sep 06, 2009 8:17 pm


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Why so much hate? Empty Re: Why so much hate?

Post  zomgpunx!!11!!1 Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:47 am

Fair enough. I'm not trying to defend either side or accuse anyone of anything. I wanted to know the reasoning behind it, and that's about it. Yeah they're not very good, but instead of gay bashing them, maybe constructive criticism would work better. I dont know. I honestly dont fucking care about the situation as a whole, it was more of me getting an insiders view on the whole thing. And Iv'e learned there's somewhat of a reasoning behind it. And it's obvious that people would rather see them continue to suck. But yeah dude only one of them is gay, and homophobia is for insecure macho dudes anyways and it not cool.


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Why so much hate? Empty Re: Why so much hate?

Post  prisonofhope Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:58 am

zomgpunx!!11!!1 wrote:Fair enough. I'm not trying to defend either side or accuse anyone of anything. I wanted to know the reasoning behind it, and that's about it. Yeah they're not very good, but instead of gay bashing them, maybe constructive criticism would work better. I dont know. I honestly dont fucking care about the situation as a whole, it was more of me getting an insiders view on the whole thing. And Iv'e learned there's somewhat of a reasoning behind it. And it's obvious that people would rather see them continue to suck. But yeah dude only one of them is gay, and homophobia is for insecure macho dudes anyways and it not cool.

it's not homophobia. If you're gay, cool, not all of are gay so don't shove it down my throat.

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Why so much hate? Empty Re: Why so much hate?

Post  Lurch CCP Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:59 am

I think the criticism in here was pretty constructive to be honest. I'm from Richmond so I don't know about this band, but based on what i've read in here they deserve all the hate they are getting if not more for how they are going about being musicians.

As stoked as I am to be playing with DRI, I'm very bummed that a band as unprofessional as these characters sound will also be playing on the same stage.
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Why so much hate? Empty Re: Why so much hate?

Post  joee k Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:13 am

It'll provide people with lulz for the night, just like last time. Also a lot of anger and frustration.
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Why so much hate? Empty Re: Why so much hate?

Post  jimsdad95 Mon Sep 07, 2009 12:55 pm

zomgpunx!!11!!1 wrote:Fair enough. I'm not trying to defend either side or accuse anyone of anything. I wanted to know the reasoning behind it, and that's about it. Yeah they're not very good, but instead of gay bashing them, maybe constructive criticism would work better. I dont know. I honestly dont fucking care about the situation as a whole, it was more of me getting an insiders view on the whole thing. And Iv'e learned there's somewhat of a reasoning behind it. And it's obvious that people would rather see them continue to suck. But yeah dude only one of them is gay, and homophobia is for insecure macho dudes anyways and it not cool.

And I am the epitamy of the machoman attitude. I just dont like getting pumped up to do what I love to do (play music) and out of the corner of my eye I see two 13 year old boys making out. It procures an unexplainable rage inside of me only disappated by my fist smashing their heads into the ground. I mean jesus people have gone to jail for watching less. Gay people are gonna be gay. no problem just be gay somewhere not around me. sunny

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Why so much hate? Empty Re: Why so much hate?

Post  im tyler Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:04 pm

prisonofhope wrote:XdinocrisisX


im tyler

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Why so much hate? Empty Re: Why so much hate?

Post  daffos Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:36 pm

this is the worst band i've ever heard in my entire life. why the fuck are they playing with DRI?

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Why so much hate? Empty Re: Why so much hate?

Post  andrewyearly Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:40 pm

Basketball da ballz in your court, vaggit.

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Why so much hate? Empty Re: Why so much hate?

Post  prisonofhope Fri Sep 11, 2009 11:37 am


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Why so much hate? Empty Re: Why so much hate?

Post  jakeknibb Fri Sep 11, 2009 4:55 pm

jimsdad95 wrote:
zomgpunx!!11!!1 wrote:Fair enough. I'm not trying to defend either side or accuse anyone of anything. I wanted to know the reasoning behind it, and that's about it. Yeah they're not very good, but instead of gay bashing them, maybe constructive criticism would work better. I dont know. I honestly dont fucking care about the situation as a whole, it was more of me getting an insiders view on the whole thing. And Iv'e learned there's somewhat of a reasoning behind it. And it's obvious that people would rather see them continue to suck. But yeah dude only one of them is gay, and homophobia is for insecure macho dudes anyways and it not cool.

And I am the epitamy of the machoman attitude. I just dont like getting pumped up to do what I love to do (play music) and out of the corner of my eye I see two 13 year old boys making out. It procures an unexplainable rage inside of me only disappated by my fist smashing their heads into the ground. I mean jesus people have gone to jail for watching less. Gay people are gonna be gay. no problem just be gay somewhere not around me. sunny

Who the fuck are you?! Are you seriously threatening two 13 year old boys for making out at a show? That is unacceptable.


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Why so much hate? Empty Re: Why so much hate?

Post  HardTimes Sat Sep 12, 2009 12:25 am

jakeknibb wrote:
jimsdad95 wrote:
zomgpunx!!11!!1 wrote:Fair enough. I'm not trying to defend either side or accuse anyone of anything. I wanted to know the reasoning behind it, and that's about it. Yeah they're not very good, but instead of gay bashing them, maybe constructive criticism would work better. I dont know. I honestly dont fucking care about the situation as a whole, it was more of me getting an insiders view on the whole thing. And Iv'e learned there's somewhat of a reasoning behind it. And it's obvious that people would rather see them continue to suck. But yeah dude only one of them is gay, and homophobia is for insecure macho dudes anyways and it not cool.

And I am the epitamy of the machoman attitude. I just dont like getting pumped up to do what I love to do (play music) and out of the corner of my eye I see two 13 year old boys making out. It procures an unexplainable rage inside of me only disappated by my fist smashing their heads into the ground. I mean jesus people have gone to jail for watching less. Gay people are gonna be gay. no problem just be gay somewhere not around me. sunny

Who the fuck are you?! Are you seriously threatening two 13 year old boys for making out at a show? That is unacceptable.
You don't want it. Arrow

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Why so much hate? Empty Re: Why so much hate?

Post  kneedeepindead Sat Sep 12, 2009 1:51 am

i will usually keep my mouth shut when i see newer kids coming in and doing dumb shit.. cause they're new. But this band deserved it. You can say "whatever it's punk rock... it doesn't need to be played well cause it's simple music.." And that's fucking stupid... It IS simple music.. So there is no excuse to not be able to play it. Little 14 and 15 year old kids from Williamsburg don't need to be saying they're skinheads and shit either. On most occasions I would blow shit like that off but seriously?... I'm gonna pay money i worked for to sit through 25 minutes of fucking noise (like rob said). If they want to be respected as a band they should at least get some money together (which i know they have) and record a demo... not just post videos of them fucking around in a room. And then they go out and say ignorant shit like " YEAH.. I FUCKING SUCK A LOT OF DICK" Being gay is whatever.. shit doesn't bother me. But if they want me to show them any respect.. they need to respect themselves. People making fun of them just because they're gay is dumb though. Really fucking dumb. Discrimination is discrimination. That makes you no better than some klan member or a bonehead.

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Why so much hate? Empty Re: Why so much hate?

Post  joee k Sat Sep 12, 2009 3:07 pm

I don't understand how any of these kids could say they're skinheads.... Arn't skinheads supposed to be a working class? If these kids are all 14 and 15 they can't get jobs, which leaves them unemployed... And it's not how they're gay or whatever, I don't think anyone really cares about that. It's the fact they try and show it off for attention, that just makes me mad.
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Why so much hate? Empty Re: Why so much hate?

Post  Knox[VG] Sat Sep 12, 2009 5:15 pm

haven't heard/seen the band, and from what i'm reading, I never will.

And I agree with Joey. Its simple music and is too fucking easy to not be able to do. A half-witted chimp could play hardcore/punk and it would probably sound just as good/better, but in no way worse. I've never understood how younger kid's band's can suck. I started my first band when I was 13/14 and although the music wasn't the best genre or whatever, we had our shit down and were tight.

Furthermore, on the whole gay thing; I have no hate or anything against gay people, I have a couple gay friends and it doesn't bother me, but they don't run around talking about the dick they get and they've never tried to get with me or anything, so these little douche-pies going around doing this leads me to believe they aren't even gay. They're doing it for attention (in the vein as Rob was saying: they like being in a band more than being a band).

....and thats basically all I have to say about that...oh yeah, fuck folk-punks.

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Why so much hate? Empty Re: Why so much hate?

Post  Kyle Fuller Sat Sep 12, 2009 7:53 pm

Knox[VG] wrote:fuck folk-punks.

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